The garden is another important part of the project, that makes us more and more self-sufficient and aware of the nature. Here we try to practice the methods of natural farming.

The principles of natural farming, involving the minimization of human intervention in the process of growing crops, was developed by the Japanese farmer and philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka.

The four principles of subsistence farming are:

The first is the refusal of plowing or turning the soil. Instead, the earth is allowed to cultivated itself through the penetrating roots of plants, the activity of microorganisms, small animals and earthworms.

The second is the rejection of chemical fertilizers or prepared compost. If left to maintain its own fertility, the earth will maintain its own fertility in accordance with the orderly cycle of plant and animal life present on the land.

The third is to not do weeding, neither manually nor with herbicides. Weeds play a role in creating fertile soil and a balanced biological community. The basic principle is that weeds must be controlled, but not eliminated.

The fourth principle is: no dependence on chemical pesticides. Although chemical solutions can be effective against pests and plant diseases in the short run, in the long run they are hazardous. Wholly aside from the pollution they leave behind, they permit weak, chemical-dependent plants to survive. Left to itself, nature prefers hardier stock.