Val-Pelice is the center of the Waldensian Church, which originated in Lyons in the 12th century.

Waldesians did not recognize traditional rituals and indulgences; they advocated apostolic poverty, mutual aid, as well as worldly preaching and freedom of reading the Bible.

And today, despite the relative distance from the big cities, Val Pellice is famous for its rich cultural life.

Literary and musical festivals, farm fairs, and exhibitions of contemporary art are held throughout the year.

Stone Oven House now adds to the cultural and historical heritage of the valley.

Such a "democratic" attitude towards Christianity did not suit the Catholic feudal lords and for many centuries the Waldensians were subjected to cruel persecutions.

The search for refuge led them to Val Pellice, an alpine valley, where they managed not only to escape, but also to preserve their identity.

A very important characteristic of the Waldesians was schooling. In fact, in each hamlet

there was a little school. The education program led, at the end of XIX century, the Waldesian area to one of the highest literacy rates in all of Europe.